Grave stone for Lt. John R. Fox in Whitman, MA
John R. Fox was given a proper military burial with 2 overnight honor guards and a full 21-gun salute by ten soldiers, but this didn’t happen in a timely fashion. Bodies remained in temporary plots until the Army personnel was available. Fox was buried on March 5, 1949 in Arlene’s family plot in Colebrook Cemetery in Whitman, Massachusetts.
The decoration of the grave stone was done by the Julio brother still living in Whitman. The Julio family from Whitman vacationed in Sommocolonia where they were moved by Fox’s story and honored his marker in July 2017.

American Legion Post 631 named for Lt. John Fox
American Legion Post 631 named for Lt. John Fox on June 26, 1952 in Lockland, Ohio.

John Fox’s marker in the Sommocolonia Martiri della Resistenza monument
John Fox’s marker was placed in the Sommocolonia—Martiri della Resistenza (Martyrs of the Resistance) monument on December 26th, 1979 (nearly three years before he received any recognition in his own country).

Lt John Fox’s DSC (Distinguished Service Cross) presented to Arlene Fox by Major General James Hamlet at Ft. Devens, MA
Major General Hamlet presented the DSC (Distinguished Service Cross) citation to Arlene Fox at Ft. Devens, Massachusetts on Armed Forces Day, May 15th, 1982.

Arlene Fox with President Clinton, January 13, 1997
Arlene Fox is holding the Medal of Honor which was presented to Lt. John R. Fox by President Clinton on January 13, 1997.