Veteran Joseph Hairston with African re-enactors
Only one person in this photo is truly a Buffalo Soldier and Ret. Captain Hairston is not in uniform. The Africans were enlisted for this re-enactment by ‘the Cultural Assoc. for the 92nd Division’ of Sarzana, a city north of Barga which Buffalo Soldiers liberated.

WWII jeeps used in the re-enactment
WWII vintage American Army jeeps for the re-enactment in Sommocolonia

Villagers, visitors & officials arrive for the naming of la mulattiera 9.5.09
The small structure to the right is the village public wash house, which is no longer used.
Until it was destroyed in WWII, a large stone arch began where the stone wall to the right ends. It extended to the wall on the left and served as the main entrance to Sommocolonia.